EVM Landskab | Cemeteries in development book

Cemeteries in development book

  • 15 Jan

  • Elzélina Van Melle

COLLABORATION: With Copenhagen University, Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning
REDACTION: Tilde Tvedt, Jan Støvring og Palle Kristoffersen
CLIENT: Foreningen af Danske Kirkegårdsledere, Forbundet af Kirke- og Kirkegårdsansatte og Landsforeningen af Menighedsråd.
WHEN: 2019


The book Kirkegårde i udvikling – Eksempler og løsninger, is about churchyard in Denmark, making a current status with examples comes from almost every part of the country and. EVM landskab contributed to the project with illustration and sparring on content and design of the book.

Cemeteries in development show examples of cemeteries around the country and present their challenges and solutions to typical problems, including compared to trees, grasses and coverings. Precisely in cemeteries can one rarely uses standard solutions, and each cemetery should be seen as something special. The idea is to show how others do, as help and inspiration to take on the task and bring the cemetery into the future.

Read the overall publication online here.