EVM Landskab | Opdagelsen Food & Garden

Opdagelsen Food & Garden

  • 09 Feb

  • admin

HOW:  As an employee at BOGL Landskab, with Bettina Lam
CLIENTS: Køge Kyst , Køge Kommune
WHEN:  2013


Temporary urban space design for Køge Coast Etape 0, South Harbour, Denmark

Opdagelsen is a site developed to welcome an outdoor kitchen and a gardening area established as a further development of the exhibition Urban Play by Bettina Lamm and associated artists. The facility has been made with great focus on capturing the citizens interests in the development of Køge South Harbour. The place is designed to gather and socialise around cooking courses and the cultivation of vegetables or herbes. The garden boxes are designed for both plantings and sitting or staying at the kitchen. The spot is a center where many different outdoor events are held in connection with Koge Kyst and is to become a future outdoor public space in Køge Southern Harbour.